Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 3- #1 広大な春日大社の森に包まれる – Kasuga Taisya embraced us

>>春日大社本殿 – Kasuga Taisya  ☆☆☆☆☆
日本の歴史における名門 藤原氏の氏神:春日神(主祭神の4柱の総称)を祭ってある背景なぞ知らず、鹿とたわむれつつ、「なんで馬鹿って、馬と鹿なのー?馬も鹿も賢いよね」とおバカな話をしながら、本殿へお参り。

In Shinto, an animal is specified as a messenger servant of god and a deer is the one for Kasuga Taisya.  We see a lot of deer and found the water to wash our hands & mouth for purification comes from the statue of deer.
We did not know about the history of the Kasuga Taisya at all and talked rubbish watching closely a flock of deer on the approach to the main shrine.
“BAKA” means a fool; “馬鹿” in Kanji(Chinese character) and it consists of 馬(horse) & 鹿(deer).  We do not understand it because a horse and deer is clever, right?
They offer visitors unique occasions like “Special guide by a Shinto priest & Miko; shrine maiden”.

>>宝物殿 – The treasure house ☆☆☆
絵の中にちらほら発見 -昔からお調子者っていたのですわね。

We dropped by at the shrine treasure house where a special exhibition was held to show their valuable folding screes and ritual paintings. 
It was a small exhibition but we enjoyed more than expected. 
We especially liked picture scrolls by no-name painters in ancient time.
They described vividly broad-minded culture at that time and it’s like we found a time capsule and saw the treasures from our ancestors in it.
We laughed when we found several guys looking “easily flattered” on those pictures.
As a horsefly bit my leg in the house, let me reduce a ☆.

>> 若宮神社、夫婦大國社 – Wakamiya Jinja & Meoto Daikokusya ☆☆☆☆☆
We are “Sunshine through leaves” lovers and found Kasuga Taisha is the best place for hiking.
It’s cool with fresh air in the forest.
We met a huge tree and we decided to call it as a sacred tree on our way to the next destination.
That’s because we saw the names of Wakamatsu Jinja at the treasury house just several minutes ago, we felt as if we stood in the wind from ancient time again in front of the shrine.


Real sacred tree 本当の御神木
Deities of the Meoto Daikokusya are married couple; Ookuninushi-no-mikoto & Suseri-hime-no- mikoto.  I dedicated a Shamoji(rice scoop) to the shrine.
Why “Shamoji”? – Because they said Suseri-hime had it.
Ookuninushi is one of the most famous divine beings in Japan and has a lot of famous myths.
For briefing, please refer to the blow.
*They said Ookuninushi has not a few love stories.  Yakami-hime who got married with him first run away as she was afraid of Suseri-hime…
Japanese Shinto gods have a same kind of drama like us. 
By the way, I played the role of a rabbit in the famous myth “Hare of Inaba” in which Ookuninushi saved me when I was in the 2nd grade at elementary school.  So I believe he is special to me.

>>参道にてthe approach to the main shrine ☆☆☆☆


An old man suddenly told us pointing at leaves, “Maple tree blossoms”
See?  We found many flowers (?) like bamboo copters!
Yes, they were NOT flowers but seeds.  But we appreciated his words as he must be a holly being like mountain hermit.
It’s so beautiful with green leaves, red seeds and the blue sky behind.

We also met a lovely Bambi looking toward us through the space between stone lanterns.
It’s so funny to look a gang of deer tried to sneak rice (?) crackers while a shopkeeper was away and soon the old lady noticed and scared them off using a broom – Actually, they were not scared at all. You can see many small shops where crackers are sold for feeding the deer everywhere in town.

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