Friday, January 16, 2015

アートに見い出したい未来 - to be wide-eyed in front of art

So depressed by the shocking tragic news of the terrorists’ attacks in France & suicide bombings by little girls in Nigeria.
I am afraid there are many places in the world where people have to endure such events by terrorism and disputes in their reality and cruel sights are not rare in front of them.
What makes difference specifically between them? - People who are saved by a religion / People who are scarified in the name of a religion.
Does it only depend on the circumstances we are raised in?

When I am feeling blue, I go to an art museum.
In front of exquisite arts, I can still believe in the brighter side of mankind; prospect and creativity for better world.

I went to 17th DOMANI:The Art of Tomorrow Exhibition @ the national art center, Tokyo.
It is very interesting and impressive beyond my expectation.






 I love this caption and was also moved by his works. 

From a series of "our face" by Ken KITANO(北野 謙)


Art with a plurality of photo layers stacked into one face from many pics of someone's face in a crowd. 
 The layered face is not real one but expressing a typical metaphor of the people gathering there.
This photo is from 39 pics taken on a Peace Memorial Day when many paper lanterns were put on the river for the atomic-bombing victims in Hiroshima.
I was also impressed by a shot of 24 soldiers at Tiananmen Square, Beijing in China 
– I saw the layered face looked very gentle & noble. 
A shot of 30 marchers at "World Peace Now" in Tokyo , the demonstration protesting the US-UK attacks against Iraq on March 8, 2003. was also nice. 
 – I say, the one face coming to the surface of this pic is with sorrows rather than strong anger.

Reflection Model by Takahiro IWASAKI(岩崎 貴宏)
Very interesting!

Seiko KAJIURA(梶浦 聖子)

My most favorite artist’s works. I like these by instinct.

Asuka IRIE(入江 明日香)
I like also her modern Ukiyo-e style by new etching method.   

この日は珍しく空いていたブラッスリー ポール・ボキューズでランチもできました。
I enjoyed lunch @ Paul Bocuse. I was surprised to find the restaurant was not crowded at all on that day. 

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